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Jobs Vacancy Laboratory Manager
(Lowongan Laboratory Manager)

Our client, an Oil & Gas Services company, is seeking an experienced candidate for the following position:

Petroleum Laboratory Manager (Code: PLM) – JAKARTA BASED

Job Function:
· Manage all activities of petroleum laboratory
· Determine equipment purchase priorities based on budget allowances, condition of existing equipment, and scheduled laboratory activities.
· Manage and organize care and use of equipment to Supervisors and Chemists.
· Builds prototype equipment, applying electromechanical knowledge and using hand tools and power tools.
· Trains Supervisors and Chemists in application and use of new equipment.
· Diagnoses equipment malfunctions and dismantles and repairs equipment, applying knowledge of shop mechanics and using gauges, meters, handtools, and power tools.
· Develops methods of laboratory experimentation, applying knowledge of scientific theory and computer capability.
· Confers with all staffs periodically to evaluate new equipment and methods.

· Male/Female, Max 40 years old
· Bachelor’s degree in Chemical, Petrochemical or Petroleum Engineering, MBA would be an advantage
· Has extensive experience in Petroleum Laboratory Testing and Operations, knowledge on manuals and publications associated with petroleum testing and operating fuel test kits
· Have an excellent understanding of concepts and equipment of Petroleum Operations and a thorough knowledge of quality surveillance for fuels.
· Posses good communication skills in English and be able to adapt to rapid changes in a positive manner and work to tight deadlines.


If you are the ones who meet those requirements, kindly send your Comprehensive Resume (including photograph and NOT MORE THAN 200Kb) in Ms. Word format and put the position code in the email subject, as soon as possible to:


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