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Jobs Vacancy PHP Programmer / Developer

Weare looking for energetic and sharp individuals who share our vision ofpromoting open source solutions as characterized by our creed. Youwill be joining a challenging environment with enormous potential toadvance yourself where one's achievement is measured by one's output.Let us grow together!

PHP Programmer / Developer (IMMEDIATE - 1 position) - Code PHPDEV

We are looking for candidates who possess some or all of the following skills:
Strong web-based programming using PHP and JavaScript with familiarity with Symfony framework
Familiarity with MVC (Model View Controller) programming concept
Familiarity with Apache Web Server and Tomcat Application Server setup and configuration
Familiarity with database (PostgreSQL knowledge is a plus)
Comfortable with either Windows Server 2003 or Linux (Ubuntu distro) environment setup and configuration
Understanding of rudimentary ethernet and TCP-IP technology
Exposed to C dan C++ programming (using Windows SDK) is a plus
Self starter and able to work independently
Interested in and advocate of open source solution is a plus
Computer science academic background is a plus


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