Started as a Distribution and Logistics company, specializing in consumer goods and beverages. Understanding Indonesia, and the need for growth, we expanded its businesses to other industries, such as Plantations, Agro Trading, Food and Beverage, Real Estate Investments and Education. Our Holding now has over 2000 employees, a dozen companies, and a significant annual turn-over. With the rapid growth of the economy, out Holding now seeks to enter the Energy Business; by creating a professionally managed companysolely dedicated to the industry. We're looking applicant for staff Accounting with qualifications: 1. Pria/Wanita 2. Min D3 Akuntansi or Perpajakan 3. Min. 2years experiences (freshgraduates are welcome) 4. High motivation Deskripsi Pekerjaan : 1. mampu membuat semua jenis laporan keuangan baik single maupun company atau konsolidasi 2. Mampu membuat analisis keuangan 3. Mampu membuat cah flow, simulasi finansial, dan proyeksi keuangan untuk single project dan konsolidasi 4. Mampu melakukan taxes Bagi yang berminat silahkan mengirim aplikasi lengkap ke email : |