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Vacancy Programmer (Prog) or SharePoint (SP)

Our client, a software house in Jakarta, is looking for a number of IT young professionals to join an international project team being engaged to develop a new integrated Insurance system for Indonesia companies. Successful candidates will obtain facilities in good working environment, continuous training on technical & business aspects, onsite supervision from world-class system developer.

· Bachelor degree in IT or related subject
· Age should not be more than 30 years old, preferably single
· Physically and mentally prepared to work harder for quality and professionalism reason
· Have been and still doing Programming (code: Prog) job (specifically in .Net); and or interested in SharePoint (code: SP), fresh graduate is considerable
· Willing to work on contract basis for 2 years and extendable afterwards

Interested candidates are pleased to drop CV written in English with Word file including color photo sent to (quote the relevant job code in the Subject).


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