Penghemat BBM, GAS
(fuel saver for Gasoline / Diesel / Gas) harga ekonomis, tapi berkualitas.

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Vacancy Sales and Import staff

We, a new Specialty Chemical Joint Venture Company, with goal to build leadership in new chemicals innovation and green technology for the future, are seeking for highly motivated, energetic, talented, open-minded candidates to fulfill the following key positions :


(CODE: GCI-SE), requirements:

- D3/S1 any background (chemicals-related background will be an advantage)
- Female/male with 1-2 years working experience
- Fresh graduate are welcome to apply
- Good attitude, proactive, aggressive, and team player
- Willing to work hard, enjoy challenges & goal-orientation
- Able to work under pressure with minimum supervision
- Own driver license (SIM A)
- English and Chinese languages are plus points


(CODE: GCI-SA), requirements:

- SMU/D3/S1
- Female preferred
- Able to work with details and accuracy
- Able to work independently
- Good attitude, proactive, and motivated
- Willing to serve customers with excellent customers’ orientation
- English and Chinese languages will be advantages
- Those with import/export experience is better


(CODE: GCI-IMP), requirements:

- Have import/export experiences
- Understand customs & clearance operation well
- Understand import-handling related documentations
- Understand the logistics flow very well
- Able to work with persistence and detailed accuracy
- Able to communicate well with suppliers, banks, EMKL, and customs

Please send your best format resume (CV Microsoft Word + Last Photograph) to the following address:
Attn. Recruitment Team
Komplek Grenvil AS-38
Kelurahan Duri Kepa
Jakarta Barat 11510

Note: please put appropriate codes of your applied position on the left-hand top corner of the envelope or email to

with the applied JOB CODE written in the E-mail subject.


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